I just got the shadiest sack ever...


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I just got the shadiest sack of Weed I think I have ever recieved paid 50 bucks for an eighth of Dank. Just got the sack because my buddy picked it up (Who would never take any) and weighed it and I don't think I have ever gotten stiffed so bad. He is a regular guy that I buy from to I am amazed... the weed also isn't great... I just called the guy back and he said he might of made a mistake...

What is the worst you have ever gotten screwed over on some weed? I would be lucky to pack 6 bowls with this...

They're still scrapin him off my stucco.
Sep 24, 2005
Don't take this personally.

If you're thinking about sharing your sack (double entendre intended) with Grossman, don't bother. He likes coke. One of the biggest cokeheads to ever come out of Gainesville. Or so I've heard from a friend of mine who went to UF at the same time.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
That is the thing... like I used to believe he did coke which is his decision tha tis fine... But then everyone started knowing someone who went to florida and did Coke with Grossman... then I went to visit my buddy who plays baseball at FSU and all his buddies knew someone who did coke with Rex at UF... Then I started thinking this was started at FSU... Either way do what you do haha... But I just don't believe it as much as I used to...


I've come to put my house in order
Jan 31, 2005
not surprised to hear that...would be less surprised to hear Grossman is gay.

Joe_Hallenbeck said:
Don't take this personally.

If you're thinking about sharing your sack (double entendre intended) with Grossman, don't bother. He likes coke. One of the biggest cokeheads to ever come out of Gainesville. Or so I've heard from a friend of mine who went to UF at the same time.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
naw your not cool if you dont smoke weed haha...



UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
grossman is a cokehead 100%. my ex did some with him and a group...he didnt care about hiding it real well...any old group of chicks that came over his place he did it with

also, he gets serious poontang...hes not gay

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
Yo EJ you got a scale? what did it weigh out? When you bought it didnt you check it out first?? I made those mistakes like back in the day when i first started smoking but I wouldnt get stiffed anymore because I can eye it out if I dont have a scale and no if its at least close to what im paying for..

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Damn we are spoiled...$30 Canadian for 1/8 in BC of course, $200 for an OZ...allegedly err some high school kids told me.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
thats some good prices... I cna eye it... that is how I knew it blew... It is about 3/4 of it... He is giving me more stuff in an hour so I am ok!

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
good to hear... i posted position by position cubs vs sox in the bears thread... tell me what you think

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
i responded honestly... look I hate the Cubs but think they are much better this year... But not to the Sox level yet... Sox in the NL Cental last year win 100 to 105 games... also pitchin is so key and cubs have to many question marks...

Buehrle will bounce back, COntreras 15+ wins Garland 18+ Buehrle 15+ IMO and Vazquez I think is like every CUb... has a lot of potential but is inconsistent... think he can win 15+... I HATED THE BMAC TRADE... but think the defense and pitching on the White Sox is what makes them a great team.... CUBS need to not just look for big bats but also look for deefnse..

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
i am a little worried about our outfield defense... but soriano greatly improved last year in only his first season out there, i think he will be fine and he has a rocket of an arm, murton is average to slightly above average, he will make all of the plays that should be made, jones his arm sucks but his defense also isnt bad, but i doubt he will be here anyway, our infield defense is rock solid besides barrett with throwing guys out, ne needs to improve on that a little bit... our pitching staff i am optimistic because are bullpen is very good, and we hurt last year because we had so many rookies who couldnt even go 5 or 6 innings, with marquis and lilly they are at the least going to be able to eat up innings and get it to the bullpen in the 6th/7th/8th so as of right now im sticking to my assumptions!! i know where your coming from but i think im right here!

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
im out though, gotta wake up early... ill be looking for your college picks tomorrow, peace

Oct 27, 2006
Joe_Hallenbeck said:
Don't take this personally.

If you're thinking about sharing your sack (double entendre intended) with Grossman, don't bother. He likes coke. One of the biggest cokeheads to ever come out of Gainesville. Or so I've heard from a friend of mine who went to UF at the same time.

I have heard the same thing...I went to IU where Grossman was a high school GOD...they got a damn steet named after him at the high school! I was friends at college with a friend of his in high school...rumor was Grossman dropped some acid the night before his high school championship game and was still feeling the effects. On side note, I believe they won! Maybe that explains some of his off games with the Bears!


Jan 15, 2005
and for my 3000th post, something educational....

themanej2001 said:
I just got the shadiest sack of Weed I think I have ever recieved paid 50 bucks for an eighth of Dank. Just got the sack because my buddy picked it up (Who would never take any) and weighed it and I don't think I have ever gotten stiffed so bad. He is a regular guy that I buy from to I am amazed... the weed also isn't great... I just called the guy back and he said he might of made a mistake...

What is the worst you have ever gotten screwed over on some weed? I would be lucky to pack 6 bowls with this...

Good sir, you must stop using bowls. Get a vap.

What are Pot Vaporizers?
A pot or (marijuana) vaporizer is a device designed specifically for smoking marijuana. It uses a heat source to heat marijuana without burning it, rather vaporizing it.

How Exactly Does It Work?
A vaporizer uses a heating element rather than burning. THC boils at 392 degrees F. Thus if it is heated to 400 F the THC boils and produces a vapor. This is not hot enough for it to burn so it does not produce the toxic products of burning.

General Information on Pot Vaporizers:

The vaporizer works by heating your substances to the exact temperature the *active* chemicals such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and the cannabinoid's like CBN will actually vaporizer into a "thin mist".
This "mist" is the vaporised, active chemicals which are then captured in a small glass chamber ready to be inhaled via the tube whenever you want to.
Our vaporizer is really easy to use; just place some herb onto the small dish and flick your vaporizer "on". You will see a small red light come on. Wait a little while for it to begin vaporizing. Once you can see the "mist" swirling around in the glass dome you can begin to inhale the vapor. Use the tube supplied and experience a new and pure herbal buzz.
Please read the following article by Canorml.org, benefits of using a vaporizer over traditional smoking methods.
Pot Vaporizer Health Benefits

Despite the controversy surrounding the effects of Cannabis, some of the medical effects cannot be disputed.

First of all the vapor is not as harsh on the throat (though the taste can take some getting used to). Also THC boils at 392 F but burning it is much hotter and the heat of the burning destroys some of the THC (making it less potent).

Not only that but a recent study found that water filtration systems are worse for the lungs than joints! This is because the increase the amount of tars in the smoke per unit of THC (thus one must inhale more tars to get the same amount of THC). This same study found that ONLY VAPORIZERS contain less tar per amount THC than joints!

In quantity, Cannabis smoking can cause the same health problems as tobacco smokers, such as bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. It is to be noted, however, that while a habitual tobacco smoker may consume twenty to forty cigarettes (one to two packs) in a day, a habitual marijuana cigarette (joint) smoker consumes far fewer. It should also be noted, however, that marijuana users usually inhale much deeper breaths (hits) and hold them in for much longer in order to absorb as much of the THC in the smoke as possible. Many marijuana users wishing to minimize risks of lung damage instead choose to either eat their dosages or use water pipes or vaporizers, which are known to seriously reduce and perhaps (for vaporizers) eliminate lung damage. Although very limited research has been conducted on the effects of cannabis when consumed orally, it is commonly theorized that its harm is negligible, undoubtedly far less harmful than oral consumption of alcohol.

Inhalation of any sort of smoke is unhealthy. Marijuana smoke (and nearly all other smoke) contains known toxins. Using a water pipe or bong reduces the particulate matter in smoke. Using a vaporizer almost completely eliminates the damage caused to your lungs.

Vaporizer Technology

What are the benefits of using a vaporizer?

The benefits of smoking through a vaporizer are potent. There is virtually no smoke due to the low temperatures used and the lack of a flame. The herbs will not give off any harmful carcinogens or other products of combustion. In other words no lung cancer!

* Vaporization, a technique that was pioneered in the 60s, is a process that heats herb to the point where the active constituents are released but nothing is burned (approx. 230-360 F).

* Since vaporization takes place at temperatures below pyrolysis (combustion) twice as many active constituents are delivered to the user than one would get from smoking, according to studies. (Cannabinoids are highly combustible, and many of the delicate resin-producing glandular trichomes are destroyed when smoked.)

* Since vaporization delivers twice as many actives as smoking, it represents significant financial savings!

According to a water pipe and vaporizer study done by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), water tends to absorb THC more readily than it absorbs noxious tars.

Vaporizer Temperature
Vaporisation, is a technique that was pioneered in the 60s, is a process that heats herb to the point where the active constituents are released but nothing is burned (approx. 230-360 F).

Since vaporisation takes place at temperatures below pyrolysis (combustion) twice as many active constituents are delivered to the user than one would get from smoking, according to studies. (Cannabinoids are highly combustible, and many of the delicate resin-producing glandular trichomes are destroyed when smoked.) There is virtually no smoke due to the low temperatures used and the lack of a flame.

Different Vaporizer Temperatures:

Vaporizer Temperature for Salvia Divinorum

Salvia Divinorum has a vaporization temperature of approx 300 degrees Celsius. The best vaporizers have a maximum temperature of 300 degrees Celsius.

Vaporizer Temperature for Marijuana

Marijuana vaporises between 140 degrees Celsius up to approx 220 degrees Celsius. The best temperature range is 110 degrees Celsius to 300 degrees Celsius. A different temperature gives you a different effect.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
that price seems way to good to be true... but yeah my buddy has a vaporizer they are pretty sick

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